37 articles
MMP: Working with a Swaarm Direct AdvertiserHow to setup campaigns when working with a Direct Advertiser using Swaarm.
MMP: App CreationHow to create a new App or edit an existing App
MMP: Apps OverviewHow to navigate the Apps Overview page.
MMP: Store App CreationHow to create a new Store App or edit an existing Store App
MMP: App Details PageHow to navigate and understand the performance of your app.
MMP: Store App Details Page
MMP: Offer / Campaign CreationHow to create a new offer for your App.
MMP: Offers / Campaigns OverviewHow to navigate the Offers Overview page.
MMP: Offer / Campaign DetailsHow to view details of a specific offer and track performance.
MMP: Deferred Deep LinkingWhat is Deferred Deep Linking and how to set it up in Swaarm for your campaigns
MMP: WorkflowsHow to automate your daily tasks in Swaarm with Worklfows
MMP: AlertsHow to set up alerts and send notifications to your partners and take action automatically.
MMP: Optimization ToolWhat the Optimization Tool is and how to access and use optimizations to control traffic quality and postbacks.
MMP: Optimization Rule CreationHow to create optimization rules in the Swaarm and which rule applies in case of multiple rules present.
MMP: Optimization for Clicks & ImpressionsThis article describes how the optimization rule works on the click & impression level
MMP: Optimization Rules for Postback StatusThis article describes how the optimization rule works on the Postback Status level.
MMP: Cohort ReportsThis report provides an analysis of user behavior, retention rate, and engagement over time by grouping users based on various segments.
MMP: Activity ReportsThis report provides a deep understanding of how users engage with the app's features and functionality.
MMP: Stickiness ReportStickiness can show users retention over a specific period by measuring user loyalty by tracking daily and monthly visits, and interactions.
MMP: Funnel ReportThis report includes a representation of the user journey, showing where users drop off or convert within the app's pathways.
MMP: Custom ReportsAn overview of using Custom Reports from how to save reports, supported metrics & dimensions and more.
MMP: Conversion ReportHow to use the Conversion Report to find details on each and every conversion.
MMP: ExplorerHow to generate dynamic reports instantly with full customization and export options.
SDK Debug ReportAccess logs on test events to ensure integration was successful.
MMP: Fraud Detection ReportsIn Swaarm's MMP, how to detect different types of fraud, generate reports, and take action with Fraud Detection Reports.
MMP: Event LogHow to access all Clicks, Impressions and Click Redirections logs in Swaarm's MMP