
This collection includes Conversion, Custom, AppsFlyer, Postback Log, Explorer, and SQL Studio report documentation.

17 articles
Reports: Conversion ReportHow to use the conversion report and find details on each and every postback.
Conversion Report FiltersThis is a list of all the filters in Conversion Report with a simple summary for each filter.
AppsFlyer MMP ReportsHow to view your AppsFlyer Protect-360 and Partner reports in Swaarm.
Reports: Postback LogHow to view unattributed and attributed postbacks in Swaarm.
Explorer: Time Filters & ShiftHow to filter your Explorer report to see and compare data at specific points of time.
Reports: Save & Email Custom ReportsHow to save custom reports and schedule sending the custom report as an email.
Reports: Custom ReportHow to generate Custom Reports, export as CSV, save private & public reports, schedule emailed reports and all the dimensions & metrics.
Create ConversionsThis article describes how to create conversions
Create, Edit and Update ConversionsThis article describes the process of how to create, edit and update conversions individually or by CSV.
Check updated conversionsThis article describes how to create conversion in the Swaarm platform
SQL StudioThis article explains how you can access the SQL Studio to explore more possibilities in data exploration and visualization
Explorer: Failed Rules
Explorer: Evaluation DimensionsThis article explains the differences in the Evaluation Dimensions
Explorer: MeasuresAll of the measures you can use in Explorer and what they show.
Event LogHow to access all Clicks, Impressions and Click Redirections logs in Swaarm
Explorer: DimensionsList of all the dimensions that can be used in Explorer.
Fraud Detection ReportsHow to detect fraud, generate reports, and take action in Swaarm's performance marketing platform.