AppsFlyer MMP Reports

How to view your AppsFlyer Protect-360 and Partner reports in Swaarm.

Updated over a week ago

AppsFlyer MMP Reports

AppsFlyer is used by many advertisers and is influential on many campaigns. We want to enrich your dataset with data directly from the MMP. AppsFlyer MMP Reports is found in Swaarm under the Reports menu. For this feature to work you will need to have an agency account with AppsFlyer.

AppsFlyer Logo

Connect AppsFlyer to Swaarm

Let's go over step by step how to setup AppsFlyer MMP Reports in Swaarm:

  1. Go to AppsFlyer

  2. Login to your AppsFlyer Agency account

  3. Copy your AppsFlyer API Token

  4. Go to Organization > Settings > Connections Tab > Protect360 & Partner Report

  5. Paste your API Token

  6. Enter each App ID in the Apps field

    1. These are the AppsFlyer campaigns you are running that you want reports on

  7. Click Save

    1. Your data will be available in a few hours

Partner Reports

  1. Go to Reports > AppsFlyer Reports > Partner Tab

  2. Select the Date Range

  3. Select Fields

    1. We suggest reviewing the list of fields and choosing the most relevant ones

      1. Suggested Fields:

        1. Agency PMD

          1. Name of the agency (this is you)

        2. App ID

        3. Media Source

          1. Your publisher

        4. Campaign

        5. Clicks

        6. Impressions

        7. Installs

  4. Optional: Add Filters

    1. For Example: App ID > In > id1234 if you want to see a specific campaign

  5. Click Search and your report will load


  • Latest Partner Report data is from the day before.

  • You can see totals by removing specific columns.

    • For example: Remove campaign and media source.

  • Custom Events 1 through 33 field can be different on how the Advertiser registered them. You will need to know the events per App.

Protect360 Reports

  1. Go to Report > AppsFlyer Reports > Protect360 Tab

  2. Select the Date Range

  3. Select Fields

    1. We suggest reviewing the list of fields and choosing the most relevant ones

      1. Suggested Fields:

        1. Fraud Reason

        2. Event Name

        3. Fraud Sub Reason

        4. Media Source

        5. Count

        6. Blocking Type

  4. Optional: Add Filters

  5. Click Search


The latest Protect-360 data is typically from the day before yesterday.

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