SQL Studio

This article explains how you can access the SQL Studio to explore more possibilities in data exploration and visualization

Updated over a week ago

As a client of Swaarm Tech GmbH, you have your own data collection where you can query or create reports based on your daily needs. During the onboarding, you would have received the credentials on how to access your company's personal superset account. Here we have shared a few examples of how you can proceed and write your own query for Superset.

Accessing Superset

  • In your Swaarm platform, on the left menu bar, expand the Reports and click on "Studio" which should redirect you to an external page.

  • Log in with your username and password (If you didn't receive your login credentials yet, please contact the Swaarm client service team).

  • On the dashboard click on SQL Lab on the top and select "SQL editor" from the drop-down menu.

  • On the left menu bar of the editor page, you can choose the database you would like to query (by default "clickhouse" is selected as database and you will need to select "default" as "Schema").

  • Once the table is selected, you can write the query that you want and click on "Run".

  • Click on "CSV" if you would like to get the report as exported CSV file.

You can always check the queries here in the clickhouse official doc

How to get Click Log

Please remember, click log might contain a large amount of data. Therefore it is crucial to limit your query. We suggest using a maximum of "10000" as a limit for querying click log.

Here is an example of a query that you can use to get the click log:

Select * FROM clicks
offer_id = '12345' and
publisher_id = '54321' and
time BETWEEN '2022-04-24 00:00:00' and '2022-04-25 02:00:00'
limit 1000

Another example of how you would get the click report per landing pages.

--Note: Offer_lpid is Landing Page ID
Select offer_id , offer_lpid, count (id) FROM clicks
offer_id = '2' and
publisher_id = '2' and
time BETWEEN '2022-04-01 00:00:00' and '2022-04-01 13:00:00'
Group by offer_id, offer_lpid
limit 1000

Example of how you will get the conversion report from SQL Studio

Select * FROM evaluated_postbacks
offer_id = '1019' AND
publisher_id = '198' AND
time BETWEEN '2022-03-31 00:00:00' and '2022-04-01 15:00:00'
limit 20000

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