Create Conversions

This article describes how to create conversions

Updated over a week ago

If you want to generate conversions for a specific offer and publisher you can do that through the “Create conversion” section in the conversion report page.

Once you have the necessary information on your hand, you can go to the left menu bar and go to Reports > Conversions. Then click the “Create Conversions” button at the top left of the table. A new window will pop up where you can put the necessary information. These following fields are available to generate conversion.

  1. Amount: The number of conversions you would like to add

  2. Date: The exact date and time for the conversion

  3. Offer: Offer name or ID

  4. Advertiser: Advertiser name or ID

  5. Publisher: Publisher name or ID

  6. Event type: The event of the offer which needs to be added; e.g Default, Purchase etc

  7. Evaluation Status: Status of the conversion; e.g Approved, Pending, Rejected

  8. Evaluation Decision: Evaluate the decision of the conversion; e.g Passed, Failed

  9. Country: The country the conversion came from

  10. WeGet: Advertiser pays per conversion

  11. TheyGet: Network pays to publisher per conversion

Once you are done with the conversion generation, you can go to the conversion report again, select the specific date, offer and publisher and run the report to verify.

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