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AND Logic & OR Logic

Understand the difference between AND logic & OR logic throughout the forms, filters and targeting features in Swaarm.

Updated over a year ago

The Difference Between AND Logic & OR Logic

When setting up a Smart Link, Advanced Targeting or another configuration in Swaarm, there are fields that may be asking you to input an Advertiser, Publisher, Offer or value. Some of these filters work as AND logic and others as OR logic. Knowing the difference between these will help you to configure your filters smarter. Some areas of Swaarm do not directly display the logic, however you can refer to the lists below or Swaarm support if there is any doubt.

AND Logic

AND logic dictates that for a configuration to be executed, all involved conditions must be true. For example, when you set up an Advanced Targeting rule on an offer that states: Publisher = Publisher ABC and User > Geo City = Berlin.

By selecting AND at the top left, this means the fields below both must be TRUE. For any traffic to be sent to the offer it must be from Publisher ABC and in Berlin, not either or. Traffic that is sent just from Publisher ABC, but from a different city. will not pass. In the same way, traffic that is sent from a different Publisher in Berlin, will not pass.

AND logic means that all values you select must be true to execute.

AND Logic Features

OR Logic

OR logic dictates for a configuration to be executed, only one condition must be true. For example, when you set up Advanced Targeting and apply filters to target User > Geo City = Los Angeles and User > Geo City = New York City.

In this case, only one condition needs to be true: traffic can either come from Los Angeles or New York City. Both filters do not need to be true (like how it works for 'AND logic') for the configuration to operate.

OR logic means that only one of the values you select must be true to execute.

OR Logic Features

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