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Traffic Targeting

How to set up a global traffic targeting that applies to larger parts of traffic: such as traffic from multiple offers or sub Ids, and more.

Updated over a year ago

Traffic Targeting

You can already set up advanced targeting on an offer level, but sometimes you need to apply the same targeting rule on the larger parts of traffic. For eg., to all offers with a specific tag, or all traffic coming from a specific subid, or geo region, etc.

Well, we bring you the feature - Traffic Targeting ๐ŸŽฏ or we can say it's Global Targeting applied to a selected chunk of traffic. You can filter out the traffic and apply the targeting to it, it saves the effort of going into each offer to set up the advanced targeting and also provides better visibility on the targeting rules you have on the platform.

Where to find Traffic Targeting?

You can find this feature under the Traffic menu, named Targeting.

How to set up a targeting rule?

Let's take the following use case and create a targeting rule for that,

For all offers under 'Social' with traffic from sub1, sub2 should be targeted as followed -Friday - from 6 pm to 12 am 
Saturday, Sunday - the whole day
  1. Click the '+ Create' button (in the top right corner) to create a new targeting rule

  2. Add a name to your targeting rule and a short description that briefs about the rule (for your reference)

  3. By default, the rule will be Active, you can check the option off in case you want to keep the rule inactive

  4. In the Filters section, you can filter the traffic on which you want to apply the targeting rule. This can be just a set of offers or traffic from specific geo regions or traffic on certain days in a week or more, but also more complex filters (by adding multiple rules/ groups using AND/ OR logic between them) can be configured according to your use case.

    For eg., below we are filtering out the traffic on all the offers that are tagged under 'Social' and are coming from sub-Ids 'sub1' or 'sub2'

  5. In the Targeting section, you can configure the targeting rule that will be applied to the above-filtered traffic. We can add a simple time targeting or can apply complex targeting rules (by adding multiple rules/ groups using AND/ OR logic between them), according to your use case.

    For eg., we are applying time targeting as followed: On Friday - from 6 pm to 12 am, and the whole of Saturday, Sunday

  6. Click 'Save' and you will see the rule on the overview table with some details like whether it's active or not, rule Id, name, and description

  7. You can click on the 'pencil icon' to edit the rule as well as you can delete the rule. Also, you can activate/ deactivate the rule using the toggle button

Quick Notes

  • If targeting is applied on both traffic targeting and offer levels, then if any of them is blocking the click then the click is discarded

  • All the discarded clicks from here can be monetized by forwarding them to the Smart Links

  • The filters and Targeting section contains fields following listed fields in Advanced Targeting Fields

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