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Offer Creation: Advanced Targeting

How to setup your Offer with Advanced Targeting such as: targeting cities, states, devices, weekdays, and more.

Updated over 11 months ago

Advanced Targeting Tab

Sometimes your campaigns need advanced targeting. On this tab, you can set your campaign to target certain devices, cities, and even weekdays. It is also possible to set up advanced targeting for different publishers running this campaign.

Advanced Targeting Fields

  1. HTTP Accept Header

  2. HTTP Referrer Header

  3. Offer

  4. Publisher

    1. App

    2. App ID

    3. Creative

    4. Org. Sub ID

    5. Site

    6. Sub ID

    7. Sub Sub ID

  5. Recommended Traffic

  6. Time

    1. Hours

      1. This is based on the UTC time zone, so you will need to convert it to the time zone of the country the campaign is running.

    2. Weekdays

  7. User

    1. Browser

    2. Browser Version

    3. Connection ISP

    4. Connection Type

    5. Device IP

    6. Device Language

    7. Device Make

    8. Device Model

    9. Device OS

    10. Device OS Version

    11. Device Type

    12. Device User Agent

    13. GAID

    14. Geo City

    15. Geo Country

    16. Geo Region

    17. IDFA

    18. In App

Once you have selected your field you can add an Operation:

  1. Equals

    1. Select One Value

  2. In

    1. Select Multiple Values

  3. Is Empty

  4. Is Not Empty

  5. Not Equals

    1. Select One Value

  6. Not Contains

  7. Contains

  8. Not In

    1. Select Multiple Values

Next, you will choose your Value. This can be a pre-selected list or a search/filter option such as one of your Publishers.

Group Targeting: And & Or Logic

With Advanced targeting, you can create groups of targeting rules. For example, you can create a rule such as:

Publisher > Equals > 2 Test Publisher

User-Geo City > Equals > Los Angeles


Publisher > Equals > 3 Example Publisher

User-Geo City > Equals> San Francisco

This states that if Publisher 2 is sending traffic it will target Los Angeles or if Publisher 3 is sending traffic, it will target San Francisco.

Publisher > Equals > 2 Test Publisher

Publisher-App > In > App1, App2


Publisher > Equals > 2 Test Publisher

Publisher-Sub ID > Not In > Subid123, Subid456

Here Publisher 2 is targeting specific App Names and not targeting certain Sub IDs at the same time.

Whitelisting & Blacklisting with Advanced Targeting

If you want to blacklist or whitelist specific values this is the tool to use. While you can Blacklist Sub IDs with the Traffic Control tool, here in Advance Targeting you can whitelist or blacklist many other values.

For example, if you have a Publisher Sub ID you want to whitelist then you can set up your targeting like so:

Publisher > Equals > 2 Test Publisher

Publisher - Sub ID > In > 1234subid, 5678subid...

You can also Blacklist AppNames:

Publisher - App > Not In > Twitter, UberEats, etc....

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