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How to set Hourly, Daily, Monthly, Total Budgets for Clicks, Conversions and Revenue on an Offer for a Publisher.

Updated over 6 months ago


In Swaarm you have the ability to set Hourly, Daily, Monthly and Total budgets for an offer. You can set budgets for Clicks, Impressions, Conversions, and Revenue. You also have two types of budget caps: Hard caps and Soft caps. These options give you control over your campaigns and helps to protect both your advertiser and publisher relationship when set up correctly. Let's go through how to set these budgets up.

Where to Find Budgets

On any Advertiser/Publisher/Offer Details page you will find a budgets view in the bottom table. You can select budget view right next to the Select Columns area.

The next area is on any Offer Details page you will see a budget widget next to the performance chart.

You can view both the Hourly, Daily, Monthly and Total budgets. You can also switch between events and their budgets by clicking the drop-down menu. Click budgets are always on the Default event.

You can also view any budget when you edit an offer and go to the Edit Budget Tab.

Edit Offer Budgets

As mentioned above, on any offer you can edit the budget for the whole offer under the edit Budget Tab (see screenshot above). This is also where you can add a Total budget to the offer.

πŸ’‘ Soft Budgets

Soft budgets will only consider conversions that are passed to the publisher. The count of conversions is not deducted from soft budgets if the postback decision is failed due to optimization rules (tested with CTIT and Random evaluation).

Total Budgets

Total budgets are a budget that has no expiration. This means if you set a total budget of 10,000 conversions the offer will continue running until it hits that cap and won't reset after a day/month. This is useful for campaigns where an advertiser gives you a budget to fill with no time limit, and then later on if the Advertiser gives you more budget, you simply just increase that Total budget.

Budget Time Zones

For each individual offer you can adjust the budget time zone to be in line with your Advertisers budget time zone. When your Advertiser is in another time zone their budget will reset according to their clock daily. To have a more accurate budget reset, you can set your offer budget time zone by clicking the drop down menu on the budget tab. Keep in mind you can only set this up per offer.

πŸ’‘ Publisher Budgets

Time zones are also applied to the publisher budgets on the respective offer.

You can also adjust the offer time zone on the Offer Edit: General Tab.

❗️ Important Note About Budgets

Example: If you have a monthly conversion budget of 100, and it is already 50% reached, and you change the platform timezone, then the budget will start counting from zero again. Conversions would only be set to pending once we get 100 conversions in that month after the timezone was set.

To avoid this, you can adjust your budget before changing the platform(local) timezone or setting up a local time on the offer level as mentioned above.

Edit Publisher Budgets

  1. Go to the offer detail page of the offer for which you want to add the budget

  2. Scroll down to the Publisher Tab on the offer detail page

The budgets can be set for the Default as well as for a particular Event of the offer.

If you want to set a budget for the Default event:

  1. Select the Default event

  2. Select Budget tab

  3. Click Edit

  4. Insert the budgets that you want to set for the publisher for that offer

  5. Click on Save

Update Publisher Budget on a Specific Event

If you want to add budgets for the publisher on the offer for a particular event, then follow the next steps:

  1. Select the event that you want to edit/update the budget for


  2. Select the Budget tab and click edit


  3. Input the budgets that you want to set for the publisher for that offer


  4. Click on Save

πŸ’‘ Identify Budget Type

You can identify the type of budgets easily by the column header Hourly, Daily, Monthly, or Total budgets.

  • [H] is hard - removes the offer from the feed API

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