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Offer Creation: Events

How to add quality or monetization events to your offer.

Updated over a year ago


Events are typically used on CPA campaigns if you want to track a users actions. This could be a registration, first time deposit, or something else. In Swaarm you can create quality events to see if the user is performing certain actions to meet a KPI. You can also track monetization events to receive attribution when a user performs a certain action after installing the app.

How to Create a New Event on an Offer

  1. Go to the Events tab once you have created your offer

  2. Add a Name for your event like "Registration"

  3. Visibility determines if:

    1. Public: the postback is sent to the publisher.

    2. Private: the postback is not sent to the publisher, typically used for quality events.

  4. Classification is determined once a payout is added to the event on the Payouts tab

    1. Quality events have no payout configured

    2. Monetization events have a payout configured and will have a $ next to the event

  5. If the event is associated with Adv. Event Type ID you can fill this in here and it will include it in the event postback as &event_id=123

    1. Otherwise the event postback will use the Swaarm ID generated once you click save and will say &our_event_type_id=123 in the event postback url

  6. If your event is triggered multiple times, for example "user logs in", then you can select Multiple Postbacks.

    1. Otherwise if the event occurs once, for example "Registration", then you can leave the checkbox blank

  7. Click Save and you can then click on your event to see all the details including the event postback.

πŸ’‘ Additional Notes

The $ dollar symbol next to an event indicates that there is a payout associated with the event. This classified the event as monetization instead of quality.

Once you create a new event, the Default Event refers to install. More details below.

Invalid Event Type

Conversions are rejected due to Invalid Event Type when the value passed in the event_id or our_event_type_id parameter in the advertiser postback does not match with the value in the Event set-up of the offer. Check out Optimization Rules: Postback Status for more information.

What is the Default Event?

When you run a CPA campaign the Default event typically becomes the "Install". You can edit the Default event just like any other event except its Name. This is also possible on any other type of leadflow campaign.

How to View Event Performance on the Offer Detail page

On the Offer Details page, you can select which event to see performance data. Go to the budget widget or performance chart and select the event you want to view.

You can also do this on the Publisher Table below to view your publishers performance on each event.

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