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Publisher Postback Setup

Publisher Postback setup for CPI,CPA, CPM, and CPC offers

Updated over a year ago

There are 4 types of offers that can be set up in the Swaarm Platform:

  1. CPI: When the default event is an install and you will get paid for it. There are no other paid events but there can be additional quality events. The lead flow of these offers must be “CPI”

  2. CPA: When the default event is not paid, therefore the offer must have paid events and the lead flow of these offers must be “CPA”

  3. CPM: Cost per Mille (1000 impressions), when you are paid for every 1000 impressions.

  4. CPC: Cost per Click, when every click is being paid for.

In this article the following points are covered:

How to setup postback for publishers?

In general, you can follow the same steps for CPI, CPA, CPM, or CPC postback setup in the Swaarm Platform. Before setting up a postback for a publisher you need to make sure if the publisher can differentiate between default and payable events.

If a publisher can differentiate between default event and payable events, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the pub details page and click on the Postbacks Tab

  2. Take the Global postback from the publisher (this is provided by the publisher) and replace the macro based on the Swaarm Supported Publisher Macro list

  3. Make sure that the Global postback has these 3 macros:

    1. #{offer.eventTypeId}

    2. #{click.publisher.clickId}

    3. #{payout.theyGetInDollars}

  4. Click on Create under the Postbacks section

  5. Insert the Global postback (with the replaced macros) on the Postback URL section (You can keep the offer and Event fields empty)

💡Note: Publishers can also set up their own postbacks in the Partner Platform.

Postback URL Modifier

You can easily implement parameters and macros without all the mess. Simply click Add Macros and a box will pop up.

You can enter a Parameter and then select the Swaarm Macro Value easily as shown below.

Control Which Postbacks are Sent

Attribution Restriction

Send only postbacks matching the selected attribution restriction.

  • Click ID

  • PEA Chain

  • Click ID + PEA Chain

Send Rejected Postbacks

Send postbacks that were rejected by the advertiser. Postbacks that are failed by other rules (e.g. random evaluation) will not be sent.

Send only Paid Postbacks

If you want that the publishers only get the paid postback, check the box "Send Only Paid Postbacks.

Keep in mind the following points:

  • Only Postbacks that have a value higher than zero on the #payout.theyGetInDollars macro is considered as paid postbacks

  • If a Postback has a value higher than zero on #payout.theyGetInDollars but it belongs to a private event, the Postback is not triggered to the publisher

Here is an example of a publisher postback URL:{click.publisher.clickId}&payout=#{payout.theyGetInDollars}&event_id=#{offer.eventTypeId}

If the publisher cannot differentiate between default and payable events, then you need to add an additional postback for a CPA offer as mentioned in the steps below:

  1. Go to the pub details page and click on the Postbacks tab.

  2. Take the Global postback of the publisher (this is provided by the publisher) and replace the macro based on the Swaarm Supported Publisher Macro list

  3. Make sure that the Global postback has these 2 macros:

    1. #{click.publisher.clickId}

    2. #{payout.theyGetInDollars}

  4. Click on Create under the Postbacks section

  5. Insert the Global postback (with the replaced macros) on the Postback URL section (You can keep the offer and Event fields empty)

  6. Copy the Global postback again and click on Create on the same page

  7. On the pop-up page, select the CPA offer, select the Default from the Event dropdown menu, and paste global postback but without any Swaarm macro.

By following the steps above the default/non-payable conversion for the CPA offer will not be fired for the publisher.

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