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Offer Edit: General Tab

A detailed guide for the Offer Edit > General Tab when creating or updating an offer.

Updated over a year ago

Offer Edit General Tab

This is the first tab when creating or editing an offer, where you will input information such as the Name of the offer, tracking URL, Country targeting, and more. Every section with an asterisk* by the name is a required field to be filled out before saving.


Here you can search by ID or Name for an existing Advertiser you created in Swaarm. This will be the Advertiser of this offer.

⚠️ Warning: Updating the Advertiser

You can change the Advertiser on any S2S (non-API-synced) offer at any time. If you have any workflow, alert, traffic control, or filter setup with the previous Advertiser, then it will not work with the updated advertiser, and you will need to update previous configurations (workflows, alerts, etc.).

Advertiser Offer ID

Sometimes referred to as the External Offer ID, this field represents the ID reflected in your Advertisers' system.


This is the Name of your offer. You can customize the name however you want, but to keep things easier for you, there is a Name refresh button.

Name Refresh Button

When you click the Name Refresh button it formats the name by the following information from other fields in the General Tab:

[NAME] - [PLATFORM] - [COUNTRIES] ([LEADFLOW]) ([Account Manager Initials])


  1. CPI (Cost Per Install)

  2. CPA (Cost Per Action)

    1. CPA can be used for any type of action including sale, registration, deposit and more.

  3. CPM (Cost Per Mille [Thousand])

  4. CPC (Cost Per Click)

Tracking URL*

Place your Click Tracking URL here.

💡 Tracking URL Modifier

You can easily customize your Tracking URL by clicking the Edit Macros button.

This will open up a box that helps you to customize and organize your parameters and macros quickly for your Tracking URL.

Clicking on the Macro Value field will display a list of macros supported in Swaarm. You can view the full list of supported macros here.

Preview URL

Place the app store URL or where the user should end up here.

Creatives URL

You can either upload or link to the creatives for the offer in this field. If you need to manage multiple creatives or creative packages, then you should use the Creatives Tab.


Enter the description of the campaign/app here. For example, This is a social media app.


Insert the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the offer that has been agreed upon with the advertiser.

Additional Information

This field can include such additional information as targeting or using this creative or whatever you want to add that might need to be shared with both internals and externals.


For internal use only and never shared with third parties.


The common restrictions for the publishers are added already in the restrictions section. Custom restrictions can be also added additionally based on the requirements of the Advertiser or you.


Select the relevant vertical or category for your offer. This can be useful when filtering reports to see which verticals are performing best.

Migration ID

This field is used to identify the offer that is being migrated from another platform to Swaarm. You can also search for this ID in the global search bar.

Redirection Type*

You can choose between HTTP 302 (default) or Meta Refresh or Javascript. HTTP 302 will show the original traffic source, however, Meta Refresh and Javascript will only show the previous redirect. This is typically used to keep direct traffic sources confidential.

Attribution Type*

  1. Server Postback - Attribution is done by a server postback fired by an advertiser.

  2. Image Pixel - Attribution is done by tracking the pixel fired from an advertiser page.

    1. iFrame pixel tracking is supported; replace <img/> with <iframe/>

    2. Add the parameter our_event_type_id= or event_id= to the pixel tracking URL to track events on that offer.


Insert the specific countries you allow traffic (clicks) to be accepted from.


You can run campaigns between Android, iOS, or the Web.


You can tag the offer based on the vertical/category of the app or if you want to group together offers later on for Smart Links or Automation Rules you can tag them that way as well.


  1. Active - The offer is live and can receive traffic.

  2. Pending - Offer is paused and desynced from the API and will not be activated unless you set it active again.

  3. Paused - Offer is Paused but can be reactivated if synced with Advertisers API and the Advertiser has it set to active.

  4. Archived - This is not shown here but it can be the status of the offer.
    Learn more about Archived Status


Unless approved, the offer is not visible to publishers. Check the box if you would like to keep the offer hidden from the publishers and if you would like to run the offer only with selected approved publishers.

Requires Approval

Publishers need to request approval to send traffic.

Revenue Share

WeGet is taken from sale_amount passed in postback or from the offer in case sale_amount is empty.

VTA Enabled

Enables View Through Attribution (Impression Attribution) on the offer.


Once you have filled in all the values you need, click Save. If you are creating a new offer, once you click save, you will have access to all the other tabs like Events, Landing pages, and more.

Schedule Update

You can update an existing offer and click Schedule Update, if the update is expected to happen at another point in time in the future.

💡Schedule Offer Update Example

If you need to update the Tracking Link or Creatives URL on Sunday at midnight, then simply edit the offer, and click Schedule Update and set the date for when the update should take place (instead of clicking save) .

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