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Advertiser Details Page

In this article you will find how to use advertiser detail page

Updated over 11 months ago

Clicking on an Advertiser name or the inspect button next to the advertiser name on the advertiser overview page, you can get to the respective advertiser detail page.

Advertiser Name & ID - Top Left

  • Advertiser name

  • Advertiser Swaarm ID

  • Account Manager Initials

  • Status of the Advertiser

  • Type of the Advertiser

  • Location of Advertiser

  • API Network

  • Address of Advertiser

Show More - Middle

  • Sales manager name

  • Tags

  • Migration ID

  • Note

  • Advertiser creation date

  • Last update date for this advertiser

Edit & Quick Links - Top Right

  • Edit - make updates to the Advertiser details.

  • Quick Links

    • Explorer - Redirect to an Explorer report with the Advertiser filtered.

    • Audits - Redirect to the Audits page with the Advertiser filtered.

Top metrics

On the top of the advertiser details page you will find the top metrics of the advertiser that will help you to monitor its performance.

Advertiser Details Page Tabs

Beneath the performance chart you will find various tabs with more details on the Offers from the Advertisers, postback setup, and various tools/charts to use.

Offers Tab

You will be able to see all offers that have been created manually or imported via API under this advertiser account. 25 offers are shown per page and you can click or go to any specific page from the bottom right-hand corner.

Offer Tab Search and Filter

You can search by offer name or ID from the search option. You can also filter by status or visibility of the offer.

Offer Tab Metrics

The following metrics can be selected:

  • Profit

  • Costs

  • Revenue

  • Clicks

  • Impressions

  • Conversions

  • Conversion rate

Offer Tab Views

Moreover, the table has different predefined views as well a custom view that you can personalize based on your needs:

  • Budget view: It displays each offer budget

  • Payout view: It displays each offer payout, meaning WeGet and TheyGet

  • Performance view: Performance of the offer along with the budgets of each offer

  • Custom view: You can personalize it based on the columns that you choose using the "Select column" button


At the bottom of the offers table, you will find the total amount of offers that the table displays.

Additionally, by clicking on the edit button of the table, you can set up budgets and payouts for the offers.

Publisher Group

Publisher Groups can be created on an offer and advertiser level. Publisher groups can be used to group the traffic coming from multiple publisher accounts into one bundle for the advertiser.

For example: If a publisher has multiple accounts in the system and they would like to run the same offer with more than one account, they can be combined into the same group. This group can be created and edited from this section on the Advertiser detail page. Also, the combined stats for this publisher group are visible in this tab.

Analytics Tab

The analytics tab hosts additional charts you can use to see more data on this advertiser:

Heatmap Tab

On the Heatmap tab, you will be able to get more granular level information about the offers' performance. Read more here about Heatmap charts.


In this section, you can find a quick geographical overview of the business for the respective advertiser. Read more here about Countries Chart.

Postback Link/Security Token

In this section you will find your Postback link for your Advertiser. You will also be able to generate a Security Token for your postback link, to ensure that any postback being sent by the Advertiser to you is secure and cannot be copied by anyone else. If the Security Token is compromised you can always generate a new one. If the Security Token is missing or incorrect in postback for an Advertiser who has a token, then the postback is rejected (Postback Status: Rejected).

Scheduled Changes

This section gives an overview of all the schedule changes that have been created on the offers of the respective advertiser.

Blocked Publishers

Here you can block any publisher from running this Advertisers offers. If they are added to this advertiser's offer they will be immediately blocked.



Here you can view and manage any Alerts setup for this advertiser.


Here you can view and manage any optimization rule setup for this advertiser.


Here you can view and manage any Fillers configured for this advertiser.


This section contains tools to manage traffic flow. You can control traffic or redirect it to other offers.

Traffic Control

Here you can see any Traffic Control rules configured on this advertiser or view any traffic allowed/blocked for this specific advertiser.

Smart Links

Here you can view any Smart Links that has this specific advertiser setup in the configuration. You can also set up a Smart Link under this tab and the advertiser will automatically be selected for the configuration.


Here you will find the contact details of the advertiser. New contacts can be created as well as the details of the existing contacts can be edited or deleted. You can set up a primary contact so that when you are out of office, you can tell your colleague to look up the contact for this account under the contacts tab.

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