Test Publisher Integration

How to automatically test publisher integration and generate test clicks and conversions.

Updated over a week ago

Test Publisher Integration

When two ad networks start working together, they must verify that their technical integration is working properly. With this tool Test Publisher Integration, you can check the same with a single click.

When you are integrating with a publisher (call it "y.com"), the publisher needs to validate that a click can pass through the system and a postback can be sent back.

❗Before Testing - The Pre-Requisites:

  1. First, the offer should be active.

  2. The publisher should be approved on a test offer.

    1. Example: "y.com" is approved as pub 10 on offer 2.

  3. The publisher should integrate the test offer into their platform and send us their test tracking link.

Then to test your publisher integration, all you need is the Offer ID and the Publisher Tracking URL.

Follow the below steps to test publisher integration by sending a test click and conversion to make sure everything is connected correctly.

How to Test Publisher Integration

  1. Go to your Publisher Details page

  2. Find the offer you want to test integration on

  3. Keep the Publisher test link ready

  4. Go to Tools > Test Publisher Integration

  5. Select the same Offer that you copied the tracking link for

  6. Select the Event on the offer

  7. Paste the Publisher test link

  8. Click Test Integration

  9. After a few seconds, you should see a green check mark indicating a successful test

Test Result


After a few seconds, you should see Test Successful with a green checkmark.

Failed Test

If not, you will see Test Failed and a short message below on the general issue. To further investigate you can always look into the conversion report or reach out to your technical client service team via the chat button.

When to use Scan Tool or Test Publisher Integration?

Scan Tool

If you want to check the offer redirection details on the advertiser’s side, then Scan Tool offers you a complete journey of the tracking URLs, whether it reaches the store or not, which tracker is used, etc. Also, you can select a specific platform, country, and other advanced configurations in the tool.

Test Publisher Integration

If you need to verify that the technical integration is sound between you and your Publisher, then Test Publisher Integration is the ideal tool. It gives you straightforward results with a click on whether the publisher postback is successfully received on your end or not.

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