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Organization: Partner Platform Settings

This article explains the features that can be enabled or disabled for the partner platform.

Updated over 11 months ago

Partner Platform Settings

From the Swaarm Platform, Admin users (find more about the admin role here) can control which features are available in the Partner Platform for your publishers.

How to Configure Partner Platform Features

By default, all of these features are disabled (except postback links). To enable or disable any of these features for your publishers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Organization > Settings in Swaarm

  2. Go to the Partner Platform tab > Configuration

  3. Turn the toggle button on or off for the feature

    1. Once activated, the feature will be accessible in the partner platform for all of your publishers

    2. Once deactivated, the feature will not be accessible in the partner platform for all of your publishers

List of Customizable Partner Platform Features

Here are the features that can be enabled or disabled:

Support Tickets

Publishers can write to you directly from the Partner Platform, find more about Support Tickets here. If Support Tickets is disabled while having existing tickets, then those existing tickets will be stored in history and shown as it is on Partner Platform when the feature is enabled again.

Event Support

If enabled, quality events will be shown on the Partner Platform. Find more about Events here.

Conversion Report

If enabled, the partner conversion report will be shown on the Partner Platform.

Smart Links

If enabled, public Smart Links will be displayed under their own page on the Partner Platform.

Offer Tags Filter

If enabled, then offer tags will be shown on the overview page and you can filter by tags. Find more about offer tags here.

Postback Links

If enabled, then publishers can modify their offer postback links and the modifications will be reflected on Admin UI.


If enabled, then publishers can view and share their Referral links under settings in the Partner Platform.

Offer Tags Label

If enabled, then the offer tags label is displayed on the Partner Platform. By default, it displays "Offer Tags", however you can customize the help text that is shown below the offer tags filter.

Advanced Metrics

If enabled, then CR and EPC metrics are displayed on the partners platform offers overview page.

Feeds (Search Monetization)

If enabled, then feed sections will be visible on the dashboard and on the menu. If disabled, then the publisher will only be able to see the widgets and performance chart on the dashboard, and will not have access to any feed details or sections.

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