Create an Advertiser

How to create a new Advertiser in Swaarm

Updated over a week ago

Advertiser Creation

In the top right corner of the Advertiser Overview page, click on Create. This will redirect you to the Advertiser creation page as shown below:

  1. Go to the Advertisers Overview page.

  2. Click the +Create button in the top right.

  3. Fill in the required fields.

    1. Account Type is only a tag for internal purposes and has no effect on their traffic

      1. Agency

      2. Direct

      3. Facebook Marketer

      4. Network

    2. Status must be set to Active or their clicks will be discarded.

    3. Account Manager - Select which user will manage the account.

    4. Sales Manager - Select who is the sales manager.

    5. Country - Select the country this advertiser is operating in.

    6. Address

    7. Phone

    8. Tax Number

    9. Tags - Group together similar advertisers with tags that can be used in other features like Smart Links, Alerts and more.

    10. Migration ID

    11. Note - An internal note only you and your team can see.

  4. Click Save and you will be redirected to that Advertiser's Details page

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