What is Offers Approval?
Offers Approval is the tool where you can find any offers synced via Advertisers API. You can find this section under Integration on the left menu bar. With multiple filter options and one click you can approve the offers in your system which will then be visible under the Offers page.
How to Approve an Imported Offer
Go to Integration > Offers Approval
Search or Filter by:
Offer Name
Advertiser Swaarm ID or Name
App Store IDs
Advertiser Offer IDs (External ID)
Account Managers
Select and approve the offer by pressing the โถ๏ธ Blue Play Button
Select multiple offers by checking the small boxes and click Approve at the top
Once approved, click Recently Approved
You can see any offers approved into Swaarm, including the one just approved
Click on the Edit Button
This will redirect you to Offer Details > Edit page and you can finalize the offer setup
โ Advertiser API Sync Disabled
If syncing is disabled for the Advertiser on the Networks page, then imported and recently approved offers will not appear here in Offers Approval.
Offers will still remain active, even when syncing is disabled.
Other Useful Tools in Offers Approval
Active Column
The Active column displays if the offer is still synced via the Advertisers API to Swaarm. This is most useful when you look at Recently Approved offers as you can tell whether the offer is approved for you or not.
Previous Offers Column
If you wish to find out whether an offer from the offers approval page has been run by our system before, click on the Previous Offers. This will display the profit amount from previous offers made in the past.
Scan Tool
You can also scan by how many Tracking Links (jumps) are between the offer tracking link and the AppStore before approving the offer. In order to do so, click on Scan Offers. You can scan up to 10 offers at once.
Not Repeated
If you click on the Not Repeated checkbox, only the offers that are not active in your system will be displayed in the below table. For example, if you have multiple Cool Game Germany offers available from different networks, but the offer is already active on your system, none of the Cool Game Germany offers will be displayed after clicking on this checkbox.
Event Payouts
Under the WeGet column, if the offer has multiple paid events, there will be a ๐ด red dot next to the payout. Hovering your mouse cursor over this payout will reveal the payouts for each event.