All schedule changes that will happen or have happened in the Swaarm Platform can be found in the left menu bar under Scheduled Changes.
Scheduled Changes
Type: All the types of schedule changes that Swaarm supports:
Payout Change
Budget Change
Offer Pause
Offer Change
Push Tool
Publisher Stop
Note: The internal note written for your team by whomever created the schedule change
Status: Displays the status of execution of the schedule change:
Executed: The change has been executed successfully
Queued: When the scheduled change was created but not yet executed, the status of the change will always be saved as “Queued”
Failed: The change could not be applied
Schedule for: when the change will take place
Created at: when the schedule change was created
Executed at: when the schedule change was executed
Created By: The initials of the user in the Swaarm platform who created the schedule change are shown
Type of schedule changes
Swaarm platform supports the following types of schedule changes:
Offer Payout change
Offer Pause
Stop Publisher
Offer Budget change
Offer Change
Offer Payout Schedule Change
This schedule change will update the Default WeGet and TheyGet of the offer at the given scheduled date. Follow the steps below to create this type of schedule change:
Go to the offer details page of the offer for which you wish to schedule the change
Scroll down the page and go to the Schedule changes tab
Select the "Payout" tab
Select the date when you want this change to be effective
Insert the new WeGet and TheyGet that you want to apply for the offer
Insert an external message if you wish
Click schedule
An email will be sent to the contact of the publishers that are approved who do not have a special payout
The default offer payout will be changed at the scheduled date
How does the notification email work for the Offer Payout Schedule change?
Email is sent only to contacts of publishers that are approved for the offer. Contacts of publishers that are blocked on the offer will not get the email
Email is sent to a contact that has the notification flag enable. More on that here
If a publisher has a special payout, the contact will not get the email, and the special payout will remain for that publisher.
You can find easily which publishers have currently a special payout by spotting the (S) on the publisher list that is displayed on the Payout schedule change.
Offer Pause schedule change
This schedule change will update the status of the offer to Pause at the given scheduled date and time and will also send an email to the publishers approved for the offer. Follow the steps below to create this type of schedule change:
Go to the offer details page of the offer for which you wish to schedule the change
Scroll down the page and go to the Schedule changes tab
Select the "Status" tab
Select the date when you want this change to be effective
Select the reason for pausing the offer
The reason selected will populate the Message field which will be sent as well in the email
Insert a note. This field is internal
Click schedule
An email will be sent to the contact of the publishers that are approved
The offer status will be changed to "Pause" at the scheduled date
How does the notification email work for the Offer Pause Schedule change?
Email is sent only to contacts of publishers that are approved for the offer. Contacts of publishers that are blocked on the offer will not get the email
Email is sent to a contact that has the notification flag enable. More on that here
Stop Publisher schedule change
This schedule change will block one or multiple publishers at a given scheduled date. Additionally, it will send an email to those publishers informing them that the offer has been paused for them. Follow the steps below to create this type of schedule change:
Go to the offer details page of the offer for which you wish to schedule the change
Scroll down the page and go to the Schedule changes tab
Select the "Stop" tab
Select the date when you want this change to be effective
Select the reason for blocking the publishers
Select the publisher to be blocked
The reason selected will populate the Message field which will be sent as well in the email
Insert a note. This field is internal
Click schedule
An email will be sent to the contact of the publishers that are approved
The publishers will be blocked at the scheduled date
How does the notification email work for the Stop Publisher Schedule change?
Email is sent only to contacts of publishers that are approved for the offer and have been selected on this schedule change. Contacts of publishers that are blocked on the offer will not get the email
Email is sent to a contact that has the notification flag enable. More on that here
Offer Budget schedule change
This schedule change will update the default budget of the offer at a given scheduled date. Particularly, it will not send emails to publishers. Follow the steps below to create this type of schedule change:
Go to the offer details page of the offer for which you wish to schedule the change
Scroll down the page and go to the Schedule changes tab
Select the "Budget" tab
Select the date when you want this change to be effective
Select the validity, type, threshold, and amount of the budget to be updated.
Insert a note. This field is internal
Click schedule
The budget will be updated on the schedule dated
This schedule change does not send any email to external publishers
Offer Change schedule change
This schedule change will update any field of the offer from the General Tab at a given scheduled date. Additionally, it will send an email to the approved publishers informing them about the change of the offer. Follow the steps below to create this type of schedule change:
Go to the offer details page of the offer for which you wish to schedule the change
Click on edit offer
Update the fields that you want to change
Select "Schedule update" instead of "Save"
Select schedule date
Insert the external message for the publisher
Insert a note. This field is internal
Click schedule
The offer changes will be updated on the scheduled date
How does the notification email work for the Offer Changer Schedule change?
Email is sent only to contacts of publishers that are approved for the offer. Contacts of publishers that are blocked on the offer will not get the email
Email is sent to a contact that has the notification flag enable. More on that here
Delete Schedule Change
Once the schedule change is executed or failed, it can not be deleted anymore from the system but if it is not executed yet then you can go ahead and delete it from the list. Follow the steps below to delete the change which you have created for the future:
Go to the "Schedule Changes" tab from the left menu
Search "Queued" in the Status box
If there are a number of schedule changes in the queue then you can do a further search by creator name in the "Created by" box
You should see the delete option beside the "Type" column
Click on the "Delete" button as shown below
This will delete the schedule change and hence the change will not be executed anymore.