Articles related to Apple's iOS 14.5+ release
6 articles
Privacy-Aware Publisher Integration - GenericThis article describes the steps that a generic publisher should take in order to integrate on privacy aware offers
Swaarm - Swaarm | Advanced Privacy IntegrationThis article describes the steps you should take in order to integrate between Swaarm to Swaarm in terms of privacy awareness.
Privacy-Aware Advertiser Integration - GenericThis article describes the steps you should take in order to integrate with a generic advertiser that is privacy aware.
Privacy Enabled AttributionThis article will guide you through Swaarm's privacy enabled attribution for IOS 14.5 onwards
Appsflyer - Advanced Privacy IntegrationThis article lists the integration settings for Advanced Privacy on Appsflyer
Affise - Probabilistic AttributionThis article lists the integration settings for Affise's Probabilistic Attribution