Affise - Probabilistic Attribution

This article lists the integration settings for Affise's Probabilistic Attribution

Updated over a week ago


Affise's solution to the recent iOS 14.5 changes consists of a framework called Probabilistic Attribution. This framework allows attribution of postbacks that do not contain user-level data or click ids.

To integrate with Affise partners that require probabilistic attribution, please follow the next steps.

Integration with an Affise Advertiser

If you are connected to an Affise advertiser, no changes are currently suggested by Affise at this moment. You should keep an eye on your notifications, we will inform you if changes are needed.

Nevertheless, to be secure for when changes are applied, we recommend forwarding the {pea.chain} token in the Affise tracking links in any click parameters that your advertiser supports and also can be passed back to you via the postback.

In the following example, we will use the parameter called sub8 to put our token:{id}&sub2={}_{publisher.subId}&sub3={}&sub8={pea.chain}_,

Please Note: To conform with the probabilistic attribution structure of Affise we recommend using Swaarm's advertiser tracking link macro for pea chain followed by an underscore and a comma: {pea.chain}_,

Of course, the postback links will also need to be adjusted to ensure the needed attribution information is correctly forwarded. In any case, the important thing is to forward the click parameters that were supplied using the postback macros. In the case of Affise, if no additional postback can be added for the probabilistic framework, then please just append the pea_chain parameter in your existing postback on the advertiser side.{goal}&pea_chain={sub8}&click_id={sub1}

Integration with an Affise Publisher

In order for the publisher to receive and attribute postbacks, changes are required in tracking links and the postback links.

Tracking links

For click, tracking links the ext_offer_id and ext_publisher_id are now required for offers for which click-id attribution is not possible. The ext_offer_id parameter is supposed to hold the id of the publisher's offer as defined in Affise. For ext_publisher_id this is supposed to hold the Affise partner's publisher id.

Here is an example tracking link:

Postback links

The information that was received in the click should of course be passed back in the postbacks. We can do this by using the #{ext.offerId} and #{ext.publisherId} macros. To ensure that no duplicate counting occurs, you should also send the postback id using the #{id} macro.

Here is an example postback link:{id}&goal=#{offer.eventTypeId}&offer_id=#{ext.offerId}&pid=#{ext.publisherId}

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