Swaarm - Swaarm | Advanced Privacy Integration

This article describes the steps you should take in order to integrate between Swaarm to Swaarm in terms of privacy awareness.

Updated over a week ago

Apple's privacy changes in iOS 14.5 have determined many ad networks and MMPs to change the way they integrate with other ad networks.

This article will describe the way of integration between Swaarm to Swaarm platforms when privacy awareness comes into question.

Tracking links

Swaarm's preferred method of attribution in cases in which a click ID cannot be provided is the PEA Chain method. This method requires that you forward a token in any click parameters that your advertiser supports. The token is automatically generated by the {pea.chain} macro.

In the following example, a parameter will be used called pea_chain to put the token in the tracking link:


Postback links

For Swaarm on the publisher side to correctly attribute the postback, the PEA Chain token needs to be returned to the postback. The token should be placed in the pea_chain postback parameter.

Sample Postback for Publisher


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