Import Provider Stats
In certain scenarios within the AdTech industry, the revenue and cost data are not shared in real-time through postbacks. Instead, Providers provide this information by sending CSV files on a daily or weekly basis, which include revenue and essential details typically obtained from the initial click. In Swaarm, you can upload these CSV files, and the data will be uploaded into the platform.
Now, every provider may have different CSV formats, so we provide you with the functionality to create and save provider templates in the platform, so while importing stats, you just select the respective saved template and import the CSV file.
π Important
This feature is most useful in cases of Search Monetization campaigns where your provider sends you data separately via CSV or Email. Once you receive that data then you can directly import the provider's stats into Swaarm.
If you receive data via API, then take a look on how to connect with your providers API and the available integrations here.
On the provider overview page, you will find the Imports section containing:
Tasks Explained
Whenever you import a CSV containing data shared by your provider, a task is created in the system.
β Template Required
You need to already have the provider template created and saved in the platform in order to import the provider's stats. Jump here to learn more about templates.
Provider Imports Overview
The tasks overview table displays information for any imported CSV manually or via email.
Download File - Download the CSV from that imported task
Undo File - Deletes the file and any data from that imported task from the whole platform
Results - This button will take you directly to a Custom report with the data that was imported from this task
ID - The Task ID number
Template - The template name that you have selected while importing a CSV file
Status - The current status of the task
βͺοΈ Queued - Data import is in progress, and you will see further status updates soon
π’ Processed - Data import is successful and you can see the data reflected on all pages
π΄ Rejected - The CSV is rejected for some error, you can check the error message in the Messages column. Mostly, it is due to some anomalies in the CSV file data that you have uploaded
Message - Displays the error when an imported task is rejected
Updated at - Timestamp of when the task was updated
Created at - Timestamp when the task was created
Via Email - Displays if the import was via email or not
How to Import Provider's Stats
Once you have the Provider's template saved, you can directly select the template and upload CSV. Now, you don't need to configure anything further, which makes the process of importing stats very easy and quick.
Go to the Tasks
Click on Import CSV
Select the respective Template
Upload the CSV shared by your provider
Click Save
Now, you have created a task for importing CSV data into Swaarm.
Templates Explained
A Template refers to the format of the information in the CSV to be included when importing the data from the provider. If you need additional assistance creating a template, then please reach out to Swaarm's support with the CSV you will be importing.
How to Create a Template
In the Templates section, you can create and save templates for the provider's format.
Go to Providers Overview > Templates
Click on the Imports tab
Click + Create Import Template
Name - Fill in the template name for your reference (e.g. Provider X Template)
Description - Provide basic information to describe the template for your reference
For example, "This template is for XYZ providers, containing revenue and cost information"
Check off Import Email Inbox to automatically import a CSV sent to the email generated after saving the template
We recommend importing the first CSV manually before using this feature to ensure the template was configured correctly.
Skip CSV Rows - Input the row number where the system will start importing from
For example, If you have headers in row 1, then you will put 2 in this field
Select a Comma or Semicolon as the CSV separator
Format the Template Information based on how your provider will send their report
Select CSV headers as fields with their format and column mappings, you can also provide default value
Click Save
Now, you have created a template in the system. You can choose this template while creating a task as mentioned above.
π‘ Additional Column Tips
For certain columns, you have the option to input either the column number or a default value. If you provide a default value, it will be considered for all rows. For example, in the above scenario, "Germany" will be automatically filled as the country for imported stats.
You can either enter numeric columns with decimals separated by period (.) or by comma (,).
List of Time & Date Formats
When selecting the format for the Field: Time, if you select Date (Auto), then the system will recognize the following date and time formats below automatically.
"yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z"
"EEE, MMM d, ''yy"
"h:mm a"
"hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz"
"K:mm a, z"
"yyyyy.MMMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa"
"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"
"EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z"
"EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm zzzz"
"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss z"
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ"
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSzzzz"
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:sszzzz"
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssz"
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
"yyyy-MM-dd HHmmss.SSSz"
"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"
"dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
Template Table Overview
You will find all the saved templates in the Templates Overview table. You can edit, delete, and even manage tasks regarding templates from here.
Import CSV - You can import CSV directly from the Templates section by clicking on the first icon, which is the Import CSV icon
Tasks - Clicking on the second icon (three lines icon) will navigate you to the tasks created under this template, providing an overview of the imported files associated with this template
Edit or Delete - You can edit or delete the template at any time; any stats previously imported will not be affected by deleting or editing the template
Enable Inbox or Copy Email - Enable an inbox for a template by clicking the switch and quickly copy the email which an provider can send reports to