Search Feed Offer
There are a few ways to create a Search Feed offer in Swaarm depending on how many identifiers your demand source has given you. Take a look at this article for a general overview on creating an offer in Swaarm.
Single Identifier Offer Creation
If your demand source is only allowing you to pass one identifier then the setup is as follows:
Go to the General Tab of the offer you are creating or editing
Input the Feed Identifier in the Advertiser Offer ID field
This will help map the data accurately once you import a CSV
Select the Leadflow: CPA
Add your Tracking URL
Add the
macro to pass searches/keywords
Continue setting up the rest of the offer as you normally would.
Two or More Identifiers Offer Creation
If your demand source allows more than one identifier, then you have the possibility to pass additional channels or segments using {}
. This allows the mapping to be done on the offer level by putting the Feed in the Advertiser Offer ID field and then adding {}
to to the Tracking URL. Afterwards you will create a publisher group to that would match the allows segment values (e.g. segment1, segment2 etc.).
Go to the General Tab of the offer you are creating or editing
Input the Feed Identifier in the Advertiser Offer ID field
This will help map the data accurately once you import a CSV
Select the Leadflow: CPA
Add your Tracking URL
For example:{term}&segment={}
Click Edit Macros for an easier configuration
Add the Advertisers Parameters
Click the Value (Macro) field and select the macro to add
will be useful to map data accurately
Include the
macro to pass searches/keywordsContinue setting up the rest of the offer as you normally would
Once the offer is saved and publishers are added, you will then need to create a Publisher Group.
Publisher Group Configuration Guide
Go to the Offer Details page and scroll down to the Publishers section
Click the Publisher Groups Tab
Create a new Publisher Group
Add a Name for the Publisher Group
Input the channel/segment name in the ID field
This is what will be shown in the
macro instead of the original publisher ID
Add only one publisher to this Publisher Group
Click Save
Repeat the steps for each channel/segment.
π‘ Import Template
When creating your Advertiser Import Template, remember to include Publisher ID when configuring the columns section.