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Search Provider API Integration Basics

How to integrate with your Providers API and integrate via API.

Updated over 11 months ago

Search API Integration for Feed Statistics

Integrations enable the automatic update of your feed stats through API, ensuring seamless display within Swaarm's reports and dashboards.

An alternative to API integration for retrieving stats from your provider is the Provider Import Stats approach, which involves importing statistics via CSV.

How to Integrate with a Provider's API

  1. Go to the Provider Details page

  2. Click Edit in the top right corner

  3. Click the Integrations tab

  4. Choose the Partner (API) for integration

  5. Fill out the required fields

    1. Different integrations may require alternate information (e.g. API key, URL, Client, etc.)

  6. Click Save

๐Ÿ’ก Import Period

The system is set to import data from the preceding 7 days. For historical data import beyond this period, check out the Historical Import section below.

API Field Mapping for Data Synchronization

To ensure that API performance statistics are accurately attributed to the correct feeds, it's crucial to map the Feed > Provider Feed Id field correctly. This field may also be referred to as Segment, SubID, or similar terms. Documentation for your selected integration will be displayed to the right listing the supported API field mappings. This will ensure an accurate mapping of data with the corresponding feed in Swaarm when importing stats via API.

Historical Import

Importing historical data or reimporting corrected stats with API integrations is possible in Swaarm. After configuring your API Integration, a Historical Import button will appear. By clicking this button, you can specify the date range for importing historical data or reimporting any data requiring corrections.

๐Ÿ’กMax Date Range

You have the option to choose a date range extending back up to six months.

Postback Details from API Imports

For full transparency and traceability in your API data imports, our platform includes the source API details directly within the Modification Description field of every postback. This feature provides you with clear visibility on the origin of your stats, whether they are recently imported or corrected.

For example, if stats are imported or synced from an API integration, then you will see entries such as: Imported from Swaarm on 2023-12-26 or Synced the latest update from Swaarm on 2023-12-30 in the modification description. This makes your data management process easier by displaying the source details of each postback easily.

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