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Traffic Control Blacklist Sub IDs

How to block unwanted sub IDs on a detailed or global level and how to unblock sub IDs.

Updated over a year ago

How to Block Sub IDs

Advertisers may request to block Sub Ids coming from a particular publisher due to several reasons. Once the blocking is configured, there will not be any traffic redirected to the advertiser from the blocked Sub IDs. Here is how to setup a Traffic Control rule to block (blacklist) Sub IDs.

  1. Click Traffic > Control on the left menu bar in the Swaarm Platform

  2. Choose the level you want to block traffic:

    1. Offers level

    2. Advertiser level

    3. Publisher level

    4. If none are selected it is blocked on a global level.

  3. Select the Field: Sub ID

  4. Select Type: Block

  5. Insert the Sub ID values you want to block

  6. Choose a reason for blocking

πŸ’‘ Traffic Control Shortcut

You can blacklist sub IDs directly on an Offer Details page under the Traffic Tab.

What Happens When Traffic is Blocked?

After the Sub ID is blocked the following behavior will occur:

  1. Any click coming from a blocked sub ID will be set as Discarded Click and will not redirect to the offer.

  2. Any postback that comes from a blocked sub ID will be set to Postback Status: Approved, but will be set to Postback Decision: Failed and will not be forwarded to the publisher.

View Blocked Traffic

  1. You can go to any Publishers Details page or Offer Details page

  2. Click on the menu Traffic Tab > Control

  3. The blocked Sub IDs will appear

    1. You can filter by reason, Offer ID, and Publisher ID

Unblocking Sub IDs

  1. You can go to any Publishers Details page or Offer Details page

  2. Click on the menu Traffic Tab > Control

  3. Click the Delete icon as shown in the image below. This results in the sub IDs not being blacklisted anymore. The traffic from these sub IDs will be unblocked

  4. You can also select the rows of the Sub IDs you would like to unblock. Then click on the Remove Traffic Control Rule button at the top of the table

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