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Partner Platform: Offers

How to navigate and use the Offers Overview page in the Partner Platform.

Updated over a week ago

As a Publisher, you will need a space to look at existing offers and new offers to run. The Partner Platform Offers overview page is the space for that. They will have two tabs to go through, the first being Running Offers for all approved offers. Second, being New Offers tab where you can request approval to run new offers.


You can search and filter for these offers via the following options:

  • Search by name

  • Access Status

    • Approved

    • Auto-Approved

  • Status

    • Active

    • Paused

  • Platforms

    • Android

    • IOS

    • Web

  • Countries

  • Tags

    • If the Tag Support is turned off, this will not show.

Running Offers

Running offers allows partners to view currently approved or auto-approved offers.

The partner will have an overview of the performance of the campaigns they are approved on. They can view details at a glance like Leadflow, Platform, Payout, and more. They will also see columns relating to the Total Payout, Clicks, Impressions, and Paid Conversions that they are receiving.

💡Note: Clicking on a payout will share details for multiple paid events.

Clicking on an offer name will open up the offer details that are shared with publishers. Read more about the Partner Platform: Offer Details page.

New Offers

In this section, you can search and filter through new offers that you can request approval for. If the Swaarm Account Manager set an offer to private, publishers will not see the offer here on this page.

The columns on this table are also the same as Running Offers minus the performance metrics (paid conversions, clicks, etc.).

Once you finds an offer you want to run, you can click the request approval button and the access status will be set to pending, awaiting your approval on the main platform by your Swaarm account manager here.

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