Postback Status vs Decision

What is the difference between postback status and decision?

Updated over a week ago

Postbacks in Swaarm

You are probably familiar with how the flow of traffic to a conversion happens, but here is a quick refresher:

Once the publisher sends traffic it passes through optimization rules set in place by you in Swaarm. Then Swaarm forwards the traffic to the advertiser. You will then receive a postback if there is a conversion. That postback/conversion is sent from the advertiser to Swaarm and then is passed on to the publisher.

In Swaarm, when you receive a postback from the advertiser it will go through postback status optimization rules you have configured. This will set set the status of the Postback to approved, pending or rejected.

Afterwards, you will then decide whether or not to forward the postback to your publisher. This is the postback decision.

An easy way to remember this is the Postback Status is setting what status the postback is when arriving in Swaarm. Is the postback coming from an inactive offer? Is it rejected by the advertiser? Does it match all of the optimization rules set in place?

Once the status of the postback is set in Swaarm, then the decision to pass the postback to the publisher is taken up.


Postback Status

Postback Decision

Postback Status is setting what status the postback is when arriving in Swaarm

Postback Decision is whether the postback will be forwarded to the publisher or not

It can be any of the following,

  • Approved - If you think you will get paid for that postback

  • Pending - If you are unsure you will get paid for that postback, eg., the offer is inactive for now, etc.

  • Rejected - If you know you will not get paid for that postback, eg., rejected by the advertiser, etc.

It can be any of the following,

  • Passed - If the postback status is Approved and you will get paid for that postback

  • Failed - If the postback status is either Pending or Rejected, then most of the time the postback decision will be set to 'failed'

Status is assigned as per Postback Status optimization rules

The decision is assigned as per Postback Decision optimization rules

Postback status can also be a sign of if you think you will get paid for that postback. Simply put your revenue. If you think you will get paid for that postback, then the status will be set to "Approved". If you are unsure you will get paid for that postback, then the status will be set to pending. If you know you will not get paid for that postback, then the status will be set to "Rejected".

Postback decisions can be associated with cost (what you payout to your publisher). So if the status is either pending or rejected, then most of the time the postback decision will be set to failed and not forwarded to the publisher. This is because you don't know that you will be paid for that postback so therefore you do not want to forward the postback to the publisher. So the decision for the postback is set to 'failed'.


Approved conversions can be marked as "Failed" because of Optimization rules.

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