Appsflyer: Click Signing

What and how does Appsflyer Click Signing work?

Updated over a week ago

What is Click Signing?

This anti-fraud feature, allows you to sign every click sent to AppsFlyer. Signing helps prevent ad networks unaware of sending fraudulent traffic to an advertiser.

A generated secret key within a certain time frame is assigned to a click and sent with the advertiser's tracking link. If the key is invalid/expired, AppsFlyer defines the click as fraudulent traffic. This can lead to traffic being blocked.

How to Enable Click Signing in Swaarm

  1. Go to Organization>Settings

  2. Go to Connections

  3. Go to Click Signing Report

  4. Go to your Appsflyer account and get your Token from API Tokens menu

  5. Choose the Mode you want and click save.

    1. Enable click signing

    2. Disable click signing

    3. Reports - does not enable click signing, but reports if the signature is invalid. You still need the macros for this to work.

  6. Place the parameter and macro on the offer that needs click signing enabled:

How does Click Signing Work?

Swaarm requests Appsflyer for a secret key (signature for clicks) every 24 hours via API. It is valid for 36 hours, which means you can have two valid signatures at the same time.


  1. Do I need to enable Click Signing on Appsflyer?

    1. No, no action is needed on Appsflyer to enable the feature.

  2. How often does Swaarm update the secret key?

    1. 24 hours.

  3. How do I get Signature Reports?

    1. Under Reports menu, click on the tab Click Signing Report

    2. You can also do this manually through an API Call (More info here)

  4. Can I exclude apps?

    1. Currently, if you want to exclude apps from click signing it must be done manually in the API. (More info here)


Feel free to reach out either to our team or to Appsflyer for more information on this feature.

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