Data Table Columns
By default, the overview table is sorted by gross profit month to date in real-time, (including the numbers of the current day). However, you can also select the following columns:
Swaarm ID number for Advertiser/Publisher/Offer
The name of the Advertiser/Publisher/Offer. Clicking on this takes you to the details page.
Status can be Active, Blocked, Deleted, Paused, Pending, Rejected
Adv. ID (Offers Only)
The external ID of the offer in the Advertisers system
App Store ID (Offers Only)
For iOS and Android campaigns, this is the ID in the app store taken from the preview URL
Jumps (Offers Only)
How many tracking URL's until it reaches the APP Store.
Live Publishers (Offers Only)
Number of publishers that delivered at least 10 clicks in the last 24 hours to the offer
Appd. Publishers (Offers Only)
Number of approved and active publishers on the offer
WeGet (Offers Only)
Revenue, what you are paid from the Advertiser
TheyGet (Offers Only)
Cost, what you payout to the publisher.
Margin (Offers Only)
The profit you are retaining from the offer - If WeGet is $10 and TheyGet is $4 the margin is 60%.
Live Offers (Advertiser/Publisher Only)
Number of offers that received at least 10 clicks in the last 24 hours
Act. Offers (Advertiser Only)
Number of active offers for the advertiser. Clicking on this takes you to the Advertiser Details page with Active status filtered.
Appd. Offers (Publisher Only)
Number of approved and active offers on the publisher. Clicking on this takes you to the Publisher Details page with Approved status filtered.
Imp. Offers (Adv Only)
Number of imported offers for the advertiser. Clicking on this takes you to Offers Approval with the Advertiser filtered.
Reports (Metrics)
This column must be selected in order to see the Metrics you filtered at the top in the Search/Filter area.
CNV. Budget MTD/DTH (Offers Only)
Conversion Month To Date/Day to Hour, meaning the number of approved conversions for the current month/day until the current date and time for the respective offer.
REV. Budget MTD/DTH (Offers Only)
Revenue Month To Date/Day to Hour, meaning revenue for the current month/day until the current date and time.
Platform (Offers Only)
View which platform the offer is on: iOS, Android, or Web
See the country that an Advertiser/Publisher is from. View the Countries that an offer is running in.
Sales Manager
The sales manager in charge of the account/offer
Acc. Manger
The account manager in charge of the account/offer
You can click the little eye icon on to inspect the account or offer.
You can also download a CSV and choose additional data to export like Contact Names, Internal Notes, Payouts and more. Please note it can take a longer time to download if less filters and more columns/data are selected.
Budget performance columns
In addition to the explained columns, there are also the budget performance columns which are listed below. These columns display the current pace of the budget compared to its limit and estimation.
When selecting granularity "Monthly" you can find:
CNV. Budget MTD: Conversion Budget Month To Date
REV. Budget MTD: Revenue Budget Month to Date
When selecting granularity "Daily" you can find:
CNV. Budget DTH: Conversion Day To Hour
REV. Budget DTH: Revenue Day To Hour
Click Budget DTH: Click Day To Hour
Budget Color Code
Black: Your current budget spent
Pink: You reached it! Very good!
Green: An estimation that you will reach the target of the month or the day
Yellow: An estimation that your reached budget will be anywhere in between 66% and 99%
Red: An estimation that your reached budget will be below 66%
Blanks: This indicates the gap in budget that still needs to be fulfilled
Additionally, you can click on the trend itself, and find the following information:
The cap of the budget
How much of the budget is used
An estimation: based on the current pace, how much budget will be reached by the end of the time frame
You can sort the budgets so that you can have a rough overview of how your offers are behaving.
Tip of the Month Video: Offer Overview Budgets