The Swaarm platform provides you with the possibility to create your own personalized sign up form for your Partner UI. With this you can collect your publisher's applications and funnel them into the Swaarm platform later on as approved publishers.
Creating a publisher signup form
Checking a publisher signup form on your partner UI
Editing a publisher signup form: add, delete and move fields
Types of fields that are supported on the publisher signup form
Reviewing applications of publishers and approving them for the Swaarm platform
Creating a Publisher Signup Form
To begin creating a publisher signup form follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Organization menu and click on Settings
2. Select Publisher Signup to begin using the feature
3. On the left hand side is the Constructor area, which will allow you to add, update, and delete fields. (see image below)
4. On the right hand side is the Preview section, where you will find a quick preview of how your form will look for the Publishers once you save it. (see image below)
5. By default, the publisher signup constructor suggests the following fields to start with:
6. You may already link a field of the signup form with your publisher once you decide to approve it. The fields that the publisher signup constructor suggests are already linked to the publisher fields as they are selected. (see image below)
7. You may add more fields. Here is a quick tutorial to show you how saving the default fields will look like in the partner UI:
8. You can check your publisher partner UI for the published form.
Editing a Publisher Signup Form
The publisher signup form provides by default the fields described in the section above. However, you can add more fields, delete existing ones (including default fields), and decide whether you attach them to a publisher or not. Let's take a look at that:
Adding more fields to the publisher signup form
Scroll down the bottom part of the publisher signup form constructor
Click on the button Add Field to add another field to the form
3. After clicking on Add Field, a new block will appear where you can insert the following fields:
Required: If this field is required on the pub signup form
Default Value: If the field has a default value
Publisher field: If the field should be linked to any publisher field
Deleting fields on the publisher signup form
On every field you will find a trash icon
2. Clicking on the trash will delete the field from the constructor as well as from the preview area
3. Once you completed the set up, click on Save to apply the changes on your publisher signup form in the partner UI
Moving fields on the publisher signup form
Once you successfully created your publisher signup form, you have the option to move fields. For example, you may want to set up the email address of the contact to appear after the name. In order to move fields, follow the steps below:
Click on the arrows displayed in the image below to move this fields up or down
2. Once you have completed this change in the constructor area, it will also be reflected on the preview area
3. Click on Save to apply the changes to your publisher signup form
Types of fields that are supported on the publisher signup form
The publisher signup form supports the following types of fields:
Text area
Static text
Below you find how to integrate them to your publisher signup form:
Name: Insert the question that you would like the publisher to answer during the process of applying to your company
Type: Checkbox
Required: You can mark whether this field is required or not for your publishers to fill in
Allows values: Insert the values that you want the publisher to select
Name: Insert the question that you would like the publisher to answer during the process of applying to your company
Type: Select
Required: You can mark whether this field is required or not for your publishers to fill in
Allows values: Insert the values that you want the publisher to select
Text area
Name: Insert the question that you would like the publisher to answer during the process of applying to your company
Type: Text area
Required: You can mark whether this field is required or not for your publishers to fill in
Text area
Name: Insert the question that you would like the publisher to answer during the process of applying to your company
Type: Text area
Required: You can mark whether this field is required or not for your publishers to fill in
Static text area
This field type can be used to share information with your publishers in the form. For example, you might want to use this type to add a welcoming message or a note to inform the publishers about your average response time.
Name: Insert a label for this field
Type: Static text
Default value: The message you would like to share with your publishers
Reviewing applications of publishers and approving them for the Swaarm platform
In order to check the applications of publishers that have filled in your sign up form, follow the steps below:
Go to Publishers > Click on Publisher Applications
You will see all the applications listed
Click on the icon + to Create the Publisher
This will redirect you to the create publisher form with the pre filled in details
Personal Referral Link
You can give out a Personal Referral Link to your Publisher Signup Form that will automatically assign any new sign ups under the respective Account Manager after approving the application. You will find the Personal Referral Link under Publisher Overview>Publisher Applications tab at the top. This link has your account manager ID inserted at the end. Once the new publisher signs up using this link, and you accept them, they will be set to under your Account Management.