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View any change or action that occurred in Swaarm including what, when, who, and more details with Audits.

Updated over 11 months ago


Sometimes actions or changes happen in the system that you don't remember making. Other times someone else may be managing a campaign and you want to see what changes were made. With Audits you can view every action or change made in Swaarm.

How to Use Audits

You can access audits as an Admin user under Organization > Audits. A log of every action/change taken in Swaarm will be displayed in chronological order. There are various self-explanatory search & filter functions you can utilize view specific actions.

💡 Quick Links (More)

On any details page, the Quick Links menu in the top-right corner, you can click Audits. It will take you to the audits page with that entity filtered automatically.

Audit Details

Clicking on any of the audits "➕plus button" next to the Type column, will expand the audit details. For example, in the image below, we can see a new event was created on the offer Install Campaign. We can see all the details about the creation.

Who Did It?

On the right side we can see which user created this event and at what time.

⚠️ User Access to Audits

Only users with the Admin role have access to the Organization menu which includes Audits.

Audits Revert Button (Undo Audits)

If there was an action or update taken by a user or system that was not what you planned, then you can easily undo that action in Audits. Keep in mind that certain actions cannot be undone.

First find the audit log you want to undo, then click the Revert Button.

After you revert the action, then a new audit will be created with the label Undo under the Operation column.

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