Impression Macros Supported by SWAARM for Advertiser Impression Tracking Link
A number of macros are available in the Swaarm tracker to use for the advertiser Impression tracking URL. In general, the advertiser Impression tracking link should redirect any impression coming from the publisher to the proper landing page. In order to track the proper sources, publishers must include a unique impression ID in their impression tracking link.
These are the following macros that can be used in the advertiser impression tracking link:
Macro Name | Description | Example |
{id} | Swaarm Impression ID (mandatory pass) | Ad8aKzsAAAF1Wj-3twABwfUAAFG0 |
{device.ids.idfa} | Apple iOS advertising identifier | 4D6F-1226–9C60–0050E4C04654 |
{device.ids.gaid} | Google advertising identifier | GR56-1886–9D60–005776FC0465 |
{} | Swaarm network Publisher ID | 1234 |
{publisher.subId} | Publisher Sub identifier | abc123 |
{publisher.subSubId} | Publisher sub sub ID | abc_xyz_123 |
{} | Publisher site identifier | abc_game123 |
{publisher.placement} | Publisher placement identifier | abc_game123 |
{publisher.creative} | Publisher creative ID/name | coolgame_320×50 |
{} | Publisher APP name/ID | coolgame_app |
{publisher.unique1} | Publisher unique value1 | 0a81ad386f991aef1c191dfd60cc_0a81ad386f991ae |
{publisher.unique2} | Publisher unique value2 | 0a81ad386f991aef1c191dfd60cc_0a81ad386f991ae |
{publisher.unique3} | Publisher unique value3 | 0a81ad386f991aef1c191dfd60cc_0a81ad386f991ae |
{publisher.clickId} | Publisher click ID | 0a81ad386f991aef1c191dfd60cc |
{publisher.app_store_id} | Pass app ID | 343204456 |
{offerId} | Offer ID in Swaarm platform | 12345 |
{} | Swaarm network Offer Name | Ocean Clean Game |
{offer.weGet} | Revenue per conversion in $ | 5.00 |
{offer.theyGet} | Payout per conversion in $ | 3.00 |
{offer.appsflyer_revenue} | Pass Encrypted WeGet value to advertiser |
{user.ip} | IP of the user device | |
{} | user agent string determined at the time of click | Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.1.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14E304 Safari/602.1 |
{user.encoded_ua} | URL-encoded user agent string determined at the time of click | Mozilla%2F5.0+%28iPhone%3B+CPU+iPhone+OS+10_3_1+like+Mac+OS+X%29+AppleWebKit%2F603.1.30+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Version%2F10.0+Mobile%2F14E304+Safari%2F602.1 |
{user.language} | Language of the user device | EN |
{user.os} | Operating System of the user device | Android |
{user.os_version} | OS version of the user device | 9.2.2 |
{pea.chain} | non-unique token generated by Swaarm platform | e6UKM7lLUwlwAWXUyNO25TCY |
{user.model} | Device model number of the user device | e.g. GM-9621 |
{user.make} | Device manufacturer name of the user device | e.g. Samsung |
Sample Advertiser Impression Tracking URL:{id}&source_id={}&idfa={device.ids.idfa}&gaid={device.ids.gaid}
Swaarm supports the same set of postback parameters as it does on the click level. Please have a look at the following article to get the full list of parameters.
To get to know more about impression tracking parameters on the publisher side, please have a look at the following article,