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Kochava integration with Swaarm

This article explains how impression/tracking link with Postback URL should be implemented for Kochava

Updated over 10 months ago

In this article, we are going to explain how the possible click tracking & impression URL template and the postback URL will look like for Kochava.

To initiate this integration you will need the following:

    1. Impression Link

    2. Click Tracking Link

    1. Global Postback

    2. In-App Event Postback

Once you are integrated with Kochava, you can simply ask for the integration details like click tracking & impression link template and the postback links, and replace them with the links populated by Swaarm parameters and macros.


Attribution link Template (Kochava):

This is how the Impression link should look like on the Kochava platform.

Impression link for iOS:{kochava_ad_platform}&bid_type=CPI&bid_won={offer.weGet}&creative_id={publisher.creative}&device_id={device.ids.idfa}&device_id_type=idfa&device_ua={}&impression_id={id}&ip_address={user.ip}&language={user.language}&partner_campaign_name={}&site_id={}&sub_site_id={publisher.subId}

Impression link for Android:{kochava_ad_platform}&bid_type=CPI&bid_won={offer.weGet}&creative_id={publisher.creative}&device_id={device.ids.gaid}&device_id_type=adid&device_ua={}&impression_id={id}&ip_address={user.ip}&language={user.language}&partner_campaign_name={}&site_id={}&sub_site_id={publisher.subId}

This is how the Click tracking link should look like on the Kochava platform.

Click Tracking link for iOS:{kochava_ad_platform}&ad_type=non_incent&bid_type=CPI&bid_won={offer.weGet}&click_id={id}&creative_id={publisher.creative}&device_id={device.ids.idfa}&device_id_type=idfa&device_os={user.os}&device_os_version={user.os_version}&device_ua={}&goal_id=EVENT_ID&ip_address={user.ip}&language={user.language}&site_id={}&sub_site_id={publisher.subId}

Click Tracking link for Android:{kochava_ad_platform}&ad_type=non_incent&bid_type=CPI&bid_won={offer.weGet}&click_id={id}&creative_id={publisher.creative}&device_id={device.ids.gaid}&device_id_type=adid&device_os={user.os}&device_os_version={user.os_version}&device_ua={}&goal_id=EVENT_ID&ip_address={user.ip}&language={user.language}&site_id={}&sub_site_id={publisher.subId}

For the list of advertiser impression tracking macros supported by Swaarm, click here.

For the full list of advertisers click tracking macros supported by Swaarm, click here.

You can find the documentation on attribution link parameters for click & impression supported by Kochava, here.

Global Install and in-app event postback

Global install Postback for iOS:{click/imp_id}&impression_based={is_viewthrough}&idfa={idfa}&tracker_name={tracker_name}&status={traffic_validated}

Global install Postback for Android:{click/imp_id}&impression_based={is_viewthrough}&gaid={adid}&tracker_name={tracker_name}&status={traffic_validated}

In-app event Postback for iOS:{click/imp_id}&impression_based={is_viewthrough}&idfa={idfa}&tracker_name={tracker_name}&status={traffic_validated}&event_id={event_name}&event_name={event_name}

In-app event Postback for Android:{click/imp_id}&impression_based={is_viewthrough}&gaid={adid}&tracker_name={tracker_name}&status={traffic_validated}&event_id={event_name}&event_name={event_name}

To track quality events for CPI campaigns and monetization events for CPA campaigns, we recommend using "event_id" parameter as an event tracking parameter that will contain the event name, which should be placed in Adv.EventType ID section as it has been shown below.

These are suggested templates that you can use, but you can add or delete some parameters/macros based on your company's requirements.

Postback Metadata - Kochava

Kochava allows multiple methods and formats for the postbacks to be passed to the Network/Publishers. Below you can find Swaarm's preferred format for the Postback Metadata Macros:

Platform - Android, iOS etc.



can_claim - No - By selecting no, you allow Kochava to send conversions only for your Network

Endpoint - Postback

Sucess Response - Yes

For the full list of advertiser postback parameters supported by Swaarm, click here

List of ATT advertiser macros supported by Swaarm, click here

You can find the additional postback link macros supported by Kochava, click here

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