Automation Rules

How to setup Automation Rules in Swaarm

Updated over a week ago

NOTE: Advertiser, Publisher and Offer Automation rules have been moved to Workflows, check out the article here to learn more. Stats automation rules is still currently under the Automation Rules tool.

In the automation rules section, you can create certain rules based on your requirements. These rules will be executed at a certain time without any human interaction. There are two types of automation rules.

  1. Setting up KPIs that your client is requesting for a particular offer

  2. Avoiding manual tasks and letting the machine do your daily tasks

In this section, we show you some examples which will help you to set up your own automation.

Below, we cover the following scenarios to help you set up rules:

  1. Set up a rule to keep up to date with the KPI of an offer

  2. Approve publishers on every offer of an advertiser

  3. Set all the offers of an advertiser as "Private"

  4. Block all offers when a publisher is blocked

Scenario 1: Set up a rule to keep up to date with the KPI of an offer

Scenario: Let's say you would like to create a KPI rule for an offer (ID - 2) which has an event called “purchase” and the advertiser has the KPI setup in a way that the purchase rate should be more than 10% of total install.

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to set up a rule:

Selecting Trigger:

  • Click on the Automation menu on the left side and click on “Create”

  • Choose the name of the automation rule that you would like to create

  • Add any description you see fit

  • Set the status of the rule active or inactive depending on whether you want to activate that rule immediately or later

  • Set the trigger section to choose what type change will occur once the configured criteria has been fulfilled. These are the changes you can do for now:

Selecting Filters:

  • As the first filter, you can set the type as “Offer”, Operation as “Equals” and Value as “2”(the offer ID)

  • As the second filter set type as “Offer”>Event type ID, Operation as “Equals” and Value as “7904”(the offer event type ID from offer details page)

  • As the third filter set Type as “Offer”>Stats>Event Rate”, Operation as “Less than equals” and Value as “10%” (10% event rate has been decided by the advertiser as KPI)

  • As the fourth filter, you can add "Offer>Stats>Clicks", Operation as "Greater Than" and choose the appropriate amount of clicks. Instead of clicks, you can choose to target a certain number of conversions as well, so that the rule doesn't block prematurely.

  • As the fifth filter set type as “Timeframe”, Operation as “Equals” and Value as “ 7 Days”( A timeframe should be there to check the event rate properly)

Selecting Actions:

In this section, you can choose what actions the rule should take once the criteria is fulfilled. The following options are currently available:

  • Block Publishers

  • Block SubID

  • Send email to the advertiser manager

  • Send email to publisher contacts

  • Update offer status

You can add multiple actions as well, for example, “Send email to advertiser manager” and “Update the offer status”. Once all fields have been filled, you can go ahead and activate the rule.

After the activation, you have the option to edit or remove the rule at any time.

NOTE: The following Scenarios are moved to Workflows and no longer can be created in Automation Rules. We will leave this section in the article for reference until everything is moved over to Workflows.

Scenario 2: Approve publishers on every offer of an advertiser

  1. Select as trigger "Offer Change"

  2. Select as filter "Offer > Advertiser" and choose your advertiser

  3. Select as actions "Approve publishers"

Scenario 3: Set all the offers of an advertiser as "Private"

  1. Select as trigger "Advertiser Change"

  2. Select as filter "Advertiser" and choose the advertiser that you want to update

  3. Select as actions "Update offer privacies"

  4. If "Yes" is selected, then the flag offer is private and will be checked

  5. If "No" is selected, then the flag offer is private and will be unchecked

  6. Then proceed to update any field on the advertiser details page (for example set it as Pending) and this will update the offers as "Private"

Scenario 4: Block all offers when a publisher is blocked

  1. Select as trigger "Publisher Change"

  2. Select as filter "Publisher" and choose the advertiser that you want to update

  3. Select as actions "Block publishers on all offers"

  4. Then proceed to update any field on the publishers details page (for example, set status as "Blocked")

  5. You will see that the offers are set as blocked on that publisher

Scenario 5: Automate Adding Tags to Offers or Filtering by Tags

  1. Select Trigger as Offer Change or Stats Change to access filter and actions for tags

  2. During select Filter you can select Offer>Tag to filter the tag

  3. During select Action you can select Add Tag to Offer

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