To add any network using Swaarm, please follow these steps:
Click on Integration > Networks from the left menu bar and then click on "Create" in the top right corner
This will lead you to the following step-by-step configuration:
Step 1: Configure API
Select Swaarm Adapter
Insert URL as given by Swaarm (see example)
Insert API Key provided by Swaarm
Step 2 Configure Tracking Link
By default, Swaarm suggests the Swaarm Click parameters on the left to be matched to the Swaarm Click Macros on the right
Step 3 Configure fields
Select what fields you want constantly to be updated or not from the Advertiser API.
To explore more this step, go to this article here
Step 4 Preview
Have a snapshot of the offers that will be synced from the advertiser once the integration is activated
Recommended Postback for Swaarm Advertisers:{click.publisher.clickId}&sale_amount=#{payout.theyGetInDollars}&event_id=#{offer.eventTypeId}&pea_chain=#{peaChain}&status=#{status.state}
*Please adjust your postback URL domain name based on your Swaarm platform.
To get to know more about Swaarm supported Advertiser tracking macros, please go through the following article:
Supported Fields
The following fields are synced when using this adapter:
Offer Name | Yes |
Advertiser Tracking URL | Yes |
Impression URL | Yes |
Creative URL | Yes |
Preview URL | Yes |
App Store ID | Yes |
Leadflow | Yes | CPI & CPA |
Description | Yes |
KPI | Yes |
Payouts | Yes |
Budgets | Yes |
Click Budgets | Yes |
Event Types | Yes |
Targeting | Yes | Country & OS |
Advanced Targeting | No |
Blacklisted Subids | Yes | Tracking must be setup like this in order to sync properly: pub_sub_id={}_{publisher.subId} |
Web | Yes |